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The First Eleven Years...

Olivia Kay’s mom Heather was as surprised as any adult would be when she first heard Olivia really sing. Olivia was around 7 years old and could do a lot more than carry a tune! Heather was asked by her peers “what are you going to do with her talent?”. Like any parent, her answer was “What DO you DO with that?”. Next thing you know little seven year old Olivia is studying voice with Oklahoma City’s Mardi Ray. Within months Olivia began singing in public, by 8 she had performed the National Anthem at an Oklahoma Redhawks baseball game and has since performed in front of tens of thousands, seemingly without fear! Olivia always dreams of bigger and better things like acting and recording, but in the mean time she makes bracelets, hangs out with her twin brother, older sister and her friends...and of course there’s homework and chores. She’s a normal 11 year old girl who’s described as “the little girl with the big voice."

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